Samrat Ganguly
I am a final year Computer Science Engineering student at Techno India University,West Bengal . I am passionate about web technologies .
I am a final year Computer Science Engineering student at Techno India University,West Bengal . I am passionate about web technologies .
Learning Spring Boot and React JS . Created a CRUD API as a part of learning which is used to store an Employee id, name , department and gender in a MySQL database . Tested that API using POSTMAN API client .
CGPA: 8.26(till 5th Semester)
Percentage : 75.6
Percentage : 85.7
ToDo Application
A todo list application to create a to-do and user can store todos in the firestore . This web application is created using firebase . The frontend logic is created using react JS and material UI . The todos are stored in the Firestore Database.
This project is live at --
Source Code -
Github User Search
This is a web application which is used to search GitHub users . This application is making ajax requests using JQuery to the Github API and fetching the user information , user repositories and displaying them in the frontend using Bootstrap more specifically bootswatch which is a custom theme service for bootstrap .
This project is live at --
Source Code-